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Item details: Topic id equal to person-Crumpe-Louisa

Wordsworth, Dora (1804-1847). - Letter, from Rydal Mount, to Elizabeth Crumpe, at J.G. Crumpe's Esq., Queen Anne St., Liverpool, dated May 1825. WLL / Wordsworth, Dora / 1 / 2

Rydal Mount


My dear Elizabeth

The Campbells reached Allan Bank last week we saw nothing of them until Monday when they informed us that they had purchased a house in the Isle of Mull & intended leaving Grasmere about August - Mrs C- told me I was at liberty to mention this to you - We are grieved to lose them they are excellent neighbours - At present we know no one likely either to rent or purchase Allan Bank but we will all be on the look out - I fear there is no hope of your ever inhabiting it again.

Thank you for your note sent by Miss King We were all much concerned at the unfavorable account of your poor Sister Louisa's state of health. We do trust that Country air will restore her - I Do not suppose dearest Elizabeth that you

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delight to indulge in gloom, but you little know how it grieves me that these days which ought to be your happiest are so embittered by the remembrance of the past - but you are a good Creature for speaking or rather writing so cheerfully in your last - God Grant that your composed State of mind may continue - & that by degrees your wonted cheerful nature may return.

person: Crumpe, Louisa
state of being: ill health
state of being: unhappiness

Hartley has not once been at Rydal since his Mother & Sister left us - I called at the new house last week & saw him for a moment - he promised to come to us on Sunday but of course broke his promise - I will deliver your message but I fear it will avail nothing - His Sister is pretty well - Bertha Southey has got home. Edith waits for her Father who is going into Holland & on his return will bring her back to Keswick - This will not be until August or September she has

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absented herself a pretty "long considerable time" nearly two years - I had intended riding over to Keswick this morning - but the rain prevented me - the first wet day we have had for I may almost say Months!

Last week we had been much engaged - Lionnizing Visitors - Two young Ladies Miss Jewsbury, & a Miss Cookson the former has dedicated a book to my Father - We have seen the first Vol: the work is not yet published it is intitled "Recreations of Literature". - 2 Vols. Miss J - is but four & twenty a most enthusiastic & interesting creature she has run away with all our hearts, I wish you could see her I am convinced she is a person after yr. own heart - they were with us four days - if the book should fall in your way pray read it - her prose style is delightful there are some pretty verses but on the whole the poetry,

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at least what we have seen, is inferior -

object: Phantasmagoria

Cousin Dorothy her husband & Children are now in lodgings at Ambleside. She appears as happy as the day is long they spent the Eveng with us yesterday - I am sorry to say that Mr. Jackson is again very ill. - Dr. Harrison of Kendal was sent for this morning - Willy who has been over to enquire after him brings word that he is somewhat better this afternoon - Mr. Wm. is at present with John Wakefield so most probably we shall soon see him -

place: Ambleside
state of being: happiness

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Forgive this villainous scrawl. I have neither pen nor Ink nor have I time to go in search - I will write a more worthy letter to send by Miss King and in the mean time Believe me dearest E

Yours most affts D Wordsworth

Kindest love from all to all

Have I told you that John Fleming has a Son & Heir. I wonder how the Donkey looks now

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We hope to see Aunt Sara at home in about a fortnight -

I have not seen the family at Brathey or indeed any of our neighbours for ages -

Miss Elizabeth Crumpe,

J.G. Crumpe's Esq.,

Queen Anne St.,


<Dora Wordsworth, the Poet's daughter, to Elizth. Crump. Fr. Rydal Mount. Campbells leaving Allan Bank. ? Spring about 1823.>

object-name: letter

Object summary: WLL / Wordsworth, Dora / 1 / 2

completion-state: completed
author: Wordsworth, Dora (1804-1847)
recipient: Crumpe, Elizabeth
date: 5.1825
Ref. wll-wordsworth-dora-1.2