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Item details: Topic id equal to object-Italy

Wordsworth, Dora (1804-1847). - Letter, from an unstated address, to Edward Quillinan (1791-1851), at Bryanston Street, Portman Square, readdressed to Lee Priory, Wingham, Kent, dated 7 April 1829. WLL / Wordsworth, Dora / 1 / 18

Thursday 7th April <1829>

My dear Sir -

I am ashamed to appear before you after receiving so long and interesting a letter in return for the very impudentest one that was ever penned by female fingers urged on by spite - The October Cut was hard to forgive - but if Rotha is brought to us in the course of the Summer we shall consider ourselves richly repaid. My Mother had intended writing you a long letter - but was called away by dear dear Aunty's illness - As we had no letter today we feel sure all is going on well & poor Father is much more composed - nay at times quite cheerful - I wished him to accompany my Mother as I cared not being left alone - melancholy as it would have been under such circumstances, compared with witnessing his anxiety & distress - God grant that my Mother may be able to sen d us happy tidings

state of being: ill health
state of being: unhappiness

My Mother desired me to say to you - That she knows it would be a great pleasure to Mrs Gee to see you & hopes you will drive over some idle day - writing to Mrs Gee the other day she (or rather I by her desire) repeated what you said in your letter about it - Your account I am also to endorse - if it tallies with your own will you give the large residue to Willy when you see him -

I humbly beg pardon for my making you make a mistake - about the Atheneum - How can you call that Detested Dead Dandy my Friend - I now hate him - I disliked him before & I will tell you why - His Italy is going thro' another Ed: - he sends the proofs to Father to correct - Which he Father does with great pleasure & with no small pains - writes him a letter - mentions the Atheneum

[page break (2)]

again & begs the Creature to let him no whether whether he means to put his name down or no - that he you may apply elsewhere. An answer to this letter arrives, with another proof, but no notice whatever taken of the Query - The note is short will write more at length when the Opthalmia from wh. he is suffering leaves him - Two or three more proofs but no Letter - he is a selfish conceited little toad which I cannot endure - Forgive this hasty scrawl I have much to do poor Father cannot use his eyes at all - & then I am sole Housekeeper -

object: Italy
activity: editing
object: Italy
state of being: eye problems
state of being: eye problems
state of being: trachoma
activity: housekeeping

With kisses to the Darlings Your very affte

Dora Wordsworth

Edward Quillinan Esqre.

Bryanston St

Portman Sqre

<Lee Priory



object-name: letter

Object summary: WLL / Wordsworth, Dora / 1 / 18

completion-state: completed
author: Wordsworth, Dora (1804-1847)
recipient: Quillinan, Edward (1791-1851)
date: 9.4.1829
Ref. wll-wordsworth-dora-1.18