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Item details: Topic id equal to activity-going-to-school

Quillinan, Rotha (1822-1876) & Wordsworth, Dora (1804-1847). - Letter, from Rydal Mount, to Edward Quillinan (1791-1851), at Bryanston Street, Portman Square, London, dated 19 August 1831. WLL / Wordsworth, Dora / 1 / 36

Rydal Mount

August 19 1831

My dear Papa,

I was very much pleased with your letter. I am sorry poor Mima is gone to school I hope she will come home again soon. last tuesday was Dora's birthday and we had

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a party of young friends and we were very merry we intended to have had tea upon the island on Rydal lake but it rained so fast that we were disappointed. the next day Mary and I went to Mr Jackson's at water head to tea after tea we went upon the lake and it was very

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nice when we came back it was time to go home Mrs Curwen asked us to go to the Island this week and there is to be a regatta at the ferry on thursday and Mr and Mrs John Wordsworth will be there. give my love to Eliza and Mrs Davy and now dear Papa believe me to be your Affectionate child

activity: calling
activity: being rowed

Rotha Quillinan

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"Ro" deputes me to explain which letter she was "very much pleased with" - the one from France not the long one from Bryanston St. had you seen her when she opened it! - then the disappointment on finding it so short! then again the the pleasure wh her countenance expressed at knowing you were again in England - She feels much for Mima! - We long for your next letter - you must allow Rotha to remain with us & you must moreover come & see how we take care of her - but dont come till Octor & I'll tell you why - I think Father will be absent a great part of Sept. He is now at Lowther & intends if Sir Walter Scott keep as well as he is to go & see him; he wished to be off directly but as he goes with his "own carriage" & his own horse he cannot: neither horse nor carriage being yet in travelling trim nor will they be so for ten days or a fortnight to come - I believe he means to take me with him & as the distance from Abbotsford to Edinburgh is short he will shew me that - then I must see Glasgow - then the Campbells who live in Mull - & were here the other day begged hard he wd go to see them - urging the facility of getting thither Steam boats from Glasgow twice a week &c - then when there Staffa is within such easy reach - Steam boats call at the Col's own Pier &c - so if we ever do get off I suspect we shall not come home again until Staffa be visited - and as our horse is not to travel more than 20 miles a day by reason of its extreme youth I dont see how we are to get back before Octor & therefore you must not visit Rydal if you please till that time. Aunt Sarah is at Keswick She has been there nearly 3 weeks I think; my Mother has been absent as long with her Turtles at Moresby - they bring her back to us tomorrow. The pair are much happier than mortals have a right to be - dear Isabella is quite well. Rotha is perfectly wild at the thought of seeing her tomorrow & then going to the Island to her next day - the Darling is dear and good as ever & more I cannot say - I only

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wish she would grow a little but I dont think our mountain air has done any thing for her in this way - We have had the most lovely summer that ever was known & the county is beautiful & little Ro feels its beauty more than any Child I ever met with - last night she & Mary & I walked round Rydal Lake & she was enchanted; to be sure it was the loveliest evening ever seen - as Father is absent I dare not send this thro' the Gordon & as you must be anxious for news of yr Darling I send it direct. Aunts' & Willy's affecte rememberances

Yours faithfully and affect

Dora Wordsworth

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Yr friends Mr & Mrs Winter were her on Sat: most unfortunately Father had gone to Lowthers the day before - Aunt W & I showed them as well as we cd the terraces Waterfalls &c &c. We asked them to take tea with us - but they had ordered a 6 o'clock dinner at Low-wood there they were to remain over Sunday but as the Lion was not in his Den we did not ask them to make their way to us on Sunday thinking as they had already seen Rydal their time might be better employed.

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Edward Quillinan Esqre

Bryanston Street

Portman Square

London -

object-name: letter

Object summary: WLL / Wordsworth, Dora / 1 / 36

completion-state: completed
author: Wordsworth, Dora (1804-1847)
recipient: Quillinan, Edward (1791-1851)
date: 19.8.1831
Ref. wll-wordsworth-dora-1.36