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Item details: Topic id equal to object-leeches

Wordsworth, Dora (1804-1847). - Letter, from an unstated address, to Christopher Wordsworth (1807-1885), at Trinity College, dated 5 October 1833. WLL / Wordsworth, Dora / 1 / 53

My dear Chris:

Knowing how deeply you are engaged I did not mean to intrude upon you - but yet it seems strange to send a parcel to Trinity & not a word of good wishes to any one so write I must. A few lines not more as I have just now as little idle time as you - for my dear Father is still a blind man - but thank God the active inflammation has entirely subsided - tonics are applied to the eyes - & he has now permission to go into the garden; for the last ten days he has been a prisoner to a dark room - & so very very patient

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but not very good; for compose Sonnets he will in spite of all the dreadful threats that are held out by his medical attendants - nor will the mem recollection of blisters on blisters & leeches on leeches keep him quiet. within the last few weeks he has composed upwards of 40- sonnets I believe - principally on subjects connected with his late Tour -

I am in hopes you may see him at Cambridge before the winter is over. Now that the inflammations in the eyes have taken so alarming a form we are all extremely anxious that he should consult Alexander or some occulist

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of note & we hope by & bye to persuade him to go to London for the purpose - & if dear Aunt continue as she is there can be no objection to his leaving home - She goes out every day this beautiful weather & the country appears to me more rich & beautiful than ever; & in an evening when we are alone she sometimes brings her work down stairs & sits an hour or two with us -

state of being: eye problems
object: leeches

At Moresby they are all well & my little niece the greatest wonder that ever existed in the shape of a 7 months old baby Willy too is well at Carlisle tho' the course of his true love does

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not yet run smooth

But Father wants me & I must go & lucky for you it is - for having got upon the subject of the Grand Child there is no knowing when I might have stopped -

God bless you! do let us hear from you & tell us if you can when John is expected home & if not shortly where a letter may be addressed to him some time ago he was kind enough to write to me & to ask for a reply wh was to have been sent to Geneva but I was idle - did not

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write & now that address must be antediluvian

Kindest love to my dear Uncle from all in this house &

Believe as ever

Your very affete Cousin

Dora Wordsworth

Sat: Octor 5th 1833

I enclose a Sale bill of the Nab Estate which may yet come into the Market tho' the Sale is at present put off - I wish you would think seriously about it - Such lovely sites for houses in some of the fields - but you must know it well at any rate my Uncle must -

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C Wordsworth Esqre

Trin: College

object-name: letter

Object summary: WLL / Wordsworth, Dora / 1 / 53

completion-state: completed
author: Wordsworth, Dora (1804-1847)
recipient: Wordsworth, Christopher (1807-1885)
date: 5.10.1833
Ref. wll-wordsworth-dora-1.53