The Wordsworth Trust Collections Search

Item details: Topic id equal to person-Monkhouse-Thomas-1783-1825

Wordsworth, Mary (1770-1859) & Hutchinson, Sara (1775-1835). - Letter, from Rydal Mount, to Thomas Monkhouse (1783-1825), at 28 Queen Anne's Street, Cavendish Square, London, dated December 1819. WLL / Hutchinson, Sara / 1 / 58a.

My dearest Cousin

I enclose this line through Mr Johnson to say that we have another respectable Cumberland [one]of the name of Nicholson (besides our worthy Postmaster) who has a large family & to whom your charity will be a treasure - If therefore you have no objection, this person might have the £10 & our old friend who has yet lots of Bairns unprovided for the 20£ that is unless you object to it.

Mary is called off so I am to finish - all that need be said is to entreat you to write to say how you

[page break (2)]

are - Mrs. Luff gave me a doleful acct. of your looks - I hope you have recd. the honey & the Char.

We sent a large pacquet of letters in a Govt. Frank which it appears have not yet been recd. - there was one to you from me enclosing another to Mrs. L. I hope you have got them by this time

God bless you! Yours truly S.H.

We have had a fine frost - but today to John's great disappointment there is an appearance of thaw, & he has been anxiously watching for the Lake to be frozen over for scating. We had a drole Letter

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from Lamb about Willy - it was to D. a complete Quizz throughout of her solicitude &c

Mrs. E. leaves us today

activity: skating

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T. Monkhouse Esqre.

28 Queen Anne's Street

Cavendish Square

[page break (4 crossed writing)]

<MW & SH 1820 1819 End Nov or early Dec alludes to DW's solicitude about Willy & Lamb quizzing it>

Object summary: WLL / Hutchinson, Sara / 1 / 58a

completion-state: completed
author: Hutchinson, Sara (1775-1835)
recipient: Monkhouse, Thomas (1783-1825)
date: 12.1819
Ref. wll-hutchinson-sara-1.58a