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Item details: Topic id equal to activity-going-to-school

Hutchinson, Sara (1775-1835). - Letter, from Rydal Mount, to Edward Quillinan (1791-1851), dated 1 October 1831. WLL / Hutchinson, Sara / 2 / 143a.

My dear Friend

The enclosed has been long sticking in the china [quart], upon the Mantel piece waiting for an opportunity to be forwarded, as we did not think it worth double postage - & now when the oppy. has arrived we know not how to direct to you - so shall enclose it to Eliza (to whom a letter yesterday was scrawled in much haste) who is possibly still in B. Street. This is the first day of Octr. & we hope you are beginning to think of your journey hitherward! tho' it is but fair to tell you that our Master & Dora will not be at home till the 23rd. or 24th. Chas. Wordsworth who has been with them at Abbotsford is on his return we expect him this Evening - Their Journey seems to have been very pleasant so far - tho they were only just in time to see Sir Walter as he sat out for Naples last Friday week & they did not reach Abbotsford till the preceding Monday - but spent three days there most agreeably - & found their Host better than they had hoped, or the Newspapers for some time have allowed him to be - Today they were to reach Bunaw upon Lock Etive - & I suppose on Monday they will go to Mull where they are to remain a few days with Col: & Mrs. Campbell - our old Allan Bank Neighbours. Mr. Wordsworth Eyes have gradually improved during the journey & are now nearly quite well - Do says nothing of her own

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health but as she appears to enjoy herself so much we trust it is good - & if the weather continues tolerable I doubt not they will both return in good plight - but here we have at present true Westmorland weather - tho' not entirely wet yet very close hot & unwholesome - Notwithstanding we are all well - & your little Darlings health has been as good as possible ever since she came hither - so I suppose her native air is salutary - She is also as good as possible, & continues to be the delight of the whole household.

state of being: ill health
state of being: eye problems
state of being: wellness
place: Rydal Mount

If you are still at Bath - this Letter may not reach you - as probably you will come hither without returning to Town - in which case I shall be very angry with you if you do not give our friends at Brinsop a call, as it will be in your most direct road - Ro has a very pretty Letter from Mima who seems to be very happy at her new school tho' she wishes to see Rotha & Eliza much - I shall not write you any news or gossip because I do not expect you will receive this Letter - but if you do you must wait patiently till we meet -

My Sister & Miss W. join in kindest regards & believe me ever Your true friend S.H.

Edward Quillinan Esqre.

Object summary: WLL / Hutchinson, Sara / 2 / 143a

completion-state: completed
author: Hutchinson, Sara (1775-1835)
recipient: Quillinan, Edward (1791-1851)
date: 1.10.1831
Ref. wll-hutchinson-sara-2.143a