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Item details: Topic id equal to place-Fox-Ghyll

Hutchinson, Sara (1775-1835). - Extract from Journal, dated July [1825]. WLMS HUTCHINSON / 1 / 6 / 2

July <1825> Monday left Kents Bank - Miss Barlow and I in the carriage, Dora on her poney attended by Miss B.s servt. Mrs. W. Willy and the maid to follow us in the afternoon in a cart - we reached the Wood at 1 o'clock where John Wordsworth met me with a poney and I arrived at Rydal to tea Mr. Tillbrooke of the party and were joined by Mary &c by 10 [clock],

Tuesday - Walked to Fox Ghyll and spent a quiet day without any callers

Wed the same Henry arrived -

activity: riding
activity: walking
place: Fox Ghyll

Thurs; - Mr Wordsworth returned from Lowthers. Miss Stanley called in the afternoon all the family except Miss W. and I dined at Mr. Robinsons. -

Friday - Col & Mrs. Campbell called and invited us all to dinner next Thursday - Mr. Barker called and took me an [airing] in his gig - Mr. Quillinan arrived to dinner - Mr. W. & John dining at Mr. Boltons -

Sat Nothing occurred that I remember -

Sunday - Mr Tillbrooke did duty in the Chapel - when we came from Chapel in the afternoon found Lady Mary Bentinck and Miss Stanisforth -

Monday Mr. W. went again to Storrs to attend the Regatta on Windermere -

Tuesday - Sir W. Scott and his daughter Professor Wilson - Mr. Lockhart Mr. Till. Mr. Smith Mr. [[?]] breakfasted here - Mr. W. & Dora [met] with

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Sir Ws. Party to Keswick and returned to tea - Miss Barlow and two friends came also - [[-?-]] Wed. Mr. [Till] and Mary in the gig D. on her poney Mr. W. in Sir Ws. carriage to Ullswater they staid all night at Hallsteads [[-?-]] and returned on Thursday morning - John & I rode Mr. Till and Mr. Smith went in the gig to call upon the Barlows and we all went to dine at Col. Campbells where we met a beautiful bride who sang and played divinely

Friday Mr Canning and a large party called Mr. Wordsworth accompanied them to Grasmere Baron Hume and his daughters drank tea with us -

Saturday the confirmation of the Chapel and confirmation the house filled with company all day after the service was over - the Bishop called -

Sunday - Mr G. Aurey and his brother came to breakfast - Mary Sara and I went to Chapel

activity: going to church

object-name: journal

Object summary: WLMS HUTCHINSON / 1 / 6 / 2

Ref. wlms-hutchinson-1-6-2