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Item details: Topic id equal to person-Scott-Walter-Sir-1771-1832

Hutchinson, Sara (1775-1835). - Letter, from [Rydal Mount], to John Monkhouse (1782-1866), at an unstated address, dated 8 September [1825], Thursday. WLMS H / 1 / 6 / 4

Thursday Morng.

My dear John

After my Letter was despatched yesterday morning dear Mary was visited by [comparative] feelings at having as she thought (tho' not directly but by ordering the Wine) rather peremptorily required your attendance at Harrowgate - but she did it that she might not be obliged to keep M.W. with her the whole time of her sojourn there - And now today it has been almost determined that M.W. is to travel homeward with her as far as Coleorton which is but 6 miles from Barton upon Trent & there they are Mary H. is to rest & take her pleasure for a day - Therefore unless you wish to enjoy the gaities of Harrowgate York & Doncaster there is no necessity for your going except to meet her in Leicestershire which might perhaps be agreeable to you as you had some thoughts of giving your Friends there a call when you talked of journeying together - & you will see William also who is to join his Wife at Coleorton - They being as you know engaged to pay an annual visit there during the life of its proprietors - and Lady B is very desirous that they should go in the Autumn as they did last year rather than in February as they used to do - & from the delicate state of Lady B's health they think it right to comply with her desire - and it will also make the journey

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much more agreeable to dear Mary H - who can have a pleasant day or two of rest rather than having to sleep at that nasty Birmingham - If any thing should prevent this plan being executed of course they will write to you - but at all events I need not say that your company would be most agreeable at H - & whether you come hither or meet them in Leicestershire Mary H- is to rest at C. if M.W. goes hither unless you dislike it which is not probable -

I am glad to say that Mary is very well today tho' she was very poorly on Tuesday & yesterday Morning - It is very strange that she should be so different at different times without any apparent cause - No one can be more careful of all things likely to hurt her - she has had horse exercise - pleasant weather, & company or quiet just as she liked - & does not I think worry herself much about being at home - I trust when she is at home again that she will be contented to give herself ease - not to trouble herself among the concerns of the kitchen which I hope, from the amended state of dear Joanna's health & Mrs. Loughs capability, will render unnecessary for this winter at least - that she is stronger than when we came to Harrowgate I have no doubt of - she does not complain often of being weary on

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rising on a morning which was then invariably the case - or of those dead sleeps - And as all the Doctors agree that yet there is [[-?-]] no actual disease I trust with Gods blessing that their skill may still prevent it - I am very anxious to know Mr. Mitchells opinion of Mr. Carr's proposal of a course of mercury - He does not mean to give it as poor Thos. had it but in sufficient quantity to affect the system. Dr. Satterthwaite is gone to Edinburgh for this purpose - He was restored some years ago after having been given up by this means - & Sir W. Scott is as healthy & thriving as possible after having been cured in the same way when all other medicine failed - He told Wm. he had made up his mind to death & cared not whether by the disease or remedy - [[-?-]] the former was inevitable whether the remedy was [[?]] or not. Therefore it is a comfort to know that there is a remedy that if such be Gods will that may cure her if it comes to the worst - & for my own part I should submit to it with perfect fearlessness having seen so many persons under go it with success - Mrs. Luff has been 3 times [[?]] - Miss June Dowling - Jane Harden - our Willy & many more whom I have heard of tho not seen - that to me it does not appear formidable - much less so than a long use of blue Pill & the [[?]] restrictions - Heaven grant that neither may be necessary. We have just had Joannas Letter - & Mary is sadly afraid you will be off - with John H - before this Letter arrives

state of being: ill health
object: mercury
object: mercury

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However you may pay your visit at Penrith where it seems you are expected as we learn from Henry Addison - and also that he & Anthony H. mean to visit you at the time of Penrith races - Mrs. Bramwell looks very well her Husband a tidy man - Miss [[?Blamires ?]] as Henry says is awful - the gallant Capt. was so arbitrary that he would not let them stay tea - but we were glad to have a peep at them tho' all the Party were annoyed by the Capts. obstinacy - and wished he had not been of the Party - we rejoice to hear of Georges recovery - our best love to J.H. & his Willy - Q. departs on Monday for Chesterfield where he leaves his Gig - goes to Town & returns thither - talks of being at Doncaster Races & going to Brinsop & seeing you also at Stow if he can get a little [[?]] at both places as a secondary inducement - He offered to bring Mary from H. - & this I am sure he would have accomplished - but three weeks hence it would have been

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a hazardous measure for her to travel in an open Car. God bless you all! Ever & ever yours S.H. Mrs. Luff was much gratified by your remembrance - By the by Mary W. & Dora have set their hearts upon a wife for you - to whom you must give the meeting here next year.

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Sep 8 Mr. Monkhouse I enclose this to Anne lest you should be set off - If I had written to be forwd. outside you might have been alarmed and God be thanked I have no bad news -

object-name: letter

Object summary: WLMS H / 1 / 6 / 4

completion-state: completed
author: Hutchinson, Sara (1775-1835)
recipient: Monkhouse, John (1782-1866)
date: 8.9.1825
Ref. wlms-hutchinson-1.6.4