The Wordsworth Trust Collections Search

Item details: Topic id equal to object-Memoirs-of-William-Wordsworth

Wordsworth, Mary (1770-1859). - Letter, from an unstated address, to Christopher Wordsworth Jnr, at an unstated address, dated 17 May 1850. WLL / Wordsworth, Mary / 3 / 204.

May 17th - 50 - Friday Mg

Allow me my very dear Friend to suspend my sanction to the important matter under consideration yesterday, until I have the benefit of our Friend Miss Fenwick’s judgement & feelings.

I confess, since we parted, I have had misgivings, bearing in mind the often expressed sentiments of my beloved Husband, your venerated Uncle.

object: biography

You shall hear from me by Monday’s Post. If Miss Fenwick

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feels (when the motives & objections are laid before her) that, in the decision we leaned towards yesterday, I am not violating the sanctity I bear towards my Husband’s memory, my mind will be at ease – if she, who so well knew One whom I have heard her designate as the “most humble-minded Man” she ever knew, thinks otherwise, I should hesitate.

I feel my dear Friend

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You will pardon me – therefore I make no apology. – Trusting you are both safely at home & have found all well

I am with dear love

affly yours

M Wordsworth

<Christopher Wordsworth writes> [Miss Fenwick was consulted she concurred in the propriety of abandoning the plan of “the brief Memoir” for the larger work: Dr. Wordsworth therefore and his family went to Rydal; and he devoted himself to the work during the Summer there; for a great portion of which, Miss Fenwick was also in the house.]

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<Christopher Wordsworth writes> Please to return this to me CW

Mrs. Wordsworth To Dr. Wordsworth after his first visit to Rydal in the Spring 1850. The following was received by me at Westminster. May 18. 1850. After the matter was settled we went to Rydal on June 11 – 1850; and stayed there fifteen weeks. i.e to Sep. 26. 1850 CW.

object-name: letter

Object summary: WLL / Wordsworth, Mary / 3 / 204

completion-state: completed
author: Wordsworth, Mary (1770-1859)
recipient: Wordsworth, Christopher (1807-1885)
date: 17.5.1850
Ref. wll-wordsworth-mary-3.204