The Wordsworth Trust Collections Search

Item details: Topic id equal to object-Memoirs-of-William-Wordsworth

Wordsworth, Mary (1770-1859). - Letter, from an unstated address, to Christopher Wordsworth Jnr, at Cloisters, London, dated 1 September 1850. WLL / Wordsworth, Mary / 3 / 211. Mary Wordsworth to the same, no date, being the originals corresponding to the copies in the enclosure with M.W.'s letter of October 30, 1850, and bearing a note in the hand of W.W. Jnr; with envelope; Includes a note in the hand of M.W., listing some prose works of the poet, inscribed on verso 'From All (e?)n'.

My dr Christopher

When I returned your letter I omitted to put into the cover the enclosed Mem. wh. being written abt. the same time, & read to Mr Monkhouse, to whom also you read yr letter. He suggested to us both to withhold, at that time what was we had written, but as you have kindly sent me yr. letter I think it but fair you shd. see my Mem M.W.

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<William Wordsworth junior writes> My Mother desired that I wd send you this note along with her annexed statement, & my own letter, as soon as I found time to write to you – Received at Rydal Rydal on the 30th Oct 1850. Wm Wordsworth

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Let it in the first instance be understood that I will no longer oppose Dr W’s wishes, if the rest of the Parties interested agree with him. He knows all my objections opinions, & feelings, which are, I confess, strengthened the more I hear read of his beautiful Works – viz that I think it ought not to be separated from the Poems, with which it is so closely connected – in short in some measure, it is like a paraphrase. Hence (to look at it with regard to Moxon’s interest) it may satisfy many (who only read to talk) instead of the Poems. But my chief view of the subject is, that it was my Husband’s desire for no separate life, (which the Work is) so that my feeling was to keep what was done for him, as closely connected as possible, with what was done by himself.

object: biography

MW Sept. 1st – 50.

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Convention of Cintra &c the different Preface &c –

Essays from the Friend, including 2 (unpublished) upon Epitaphs Letters Concerning Winter Garden Letter upon [[?]] &c of B & C Burns

2 – Election Pamphlets A Letter to the Bp of London upon the Catholic Emancipation

Something from (perhaps) a letter to the Bp: of Landaff – written abt. 1792.

Letter to Mr Fox, published by Sir C Banbury without the Author being consulted.

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From Ellen

The Revd Chris; Wordsworth DD



object-name: letter

Object summary: WLL / Wordsworth, Mary / 3 / 211

Ref. wll-wordsworth-mary-3.211