The Wordsworth Trust Collections Search

Item details: Topic id equal to object-Memoirs-of-William-Wordsworth

Wordsworth, Mary (1770-1859). - Letter, from an unstated address, to (William Wordsworth Junior?), at an unstated address, dated before 23 April 1850. WLL / Wordsworth, Mary / 3 / 213.

When you answer Dr. Ws letter about the Illustrations, will you please merely say to him from me (he styling himself Author & not Editor of the Memoir) that I can only say that I share my Husband’s great objection to illustrated books – except of course the classes of [[-?-]] &c &c.

Mr Monkhouse told me that Dr W. had read a most satisfactory letter which he had written to me on the subject of our discordant feelings regarding the Publisher – but he, Mr M., advised that the letter should not be given to me until both Parties had talked the matter over with you, on your return home – You know we had no opportunity for any discussions – And Dr. W. did not give me the letter – which if he has no objection, I shall be glad if he will kindly send it to me – his reasons which to Mr M. seemed cogent, might reconcile me more perhaps than I yet am to the Memoir being published apart from his Uncle’s Works – & not by Moxon

object-name: letter

Object summary: WLL / Wordsworth, Mary / 3 / 213

completion-state: completed
author: Wordsworth, Mary (1770-1859)
recipient: Wordsworth, William (1810-1883) (?)
date: 23.4.1850
Ref. wll-wordsworth-mary-3.213