The Wordsworth Trust Collections Search

Item details: Topic id equal to person-Dodd-Miss

Martineau, Harriet (1802-1876). - Letter, from The Knoll, Ambleside (printed address), to Miss Clay, at Kendal, dated 4 December (1852). 1992.68.2.

Decbr 4th <1852>

Dear Miss Clay

I am greatly obliged to you for what you have done, & thank you in Miss Dodd’s name & my own. She is a very highly qualified person; - aged, above thirty. She has acquired friends wherever

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she has lived, & always attaches her pupils to her. She is now staying, for two or three months, at Lady Frankland Russell’s & Lady F.R. is anxious that she should not engage herself precipitately. She has refused several situations this autumn, & need not be in a hurry now. She would undertake girls, for all solid parts of training, up to the age of 17, I believe; & she is quite qualified to conduct their studies at that age. I enclose a page of her last note, which Mrs Harrison may be kind enough to look at, & perhaps throw some light upon. I beg my

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kind regards & thanks to her, & am, dear Miss Clay, truly yours H. Martineau.

person: Dodd, Miss
activity: as governess


Miss Clay


object-name: letter

Object summary: 1992.68.2

author: Martineau, Harriet (1802-1876)
recipient: Clay, Miss
date: 4.12.1852
Ref. 1992-68-2