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Item details: Topic id equal to state-of-being-depression

Wordsworth, Mary. - Letter, to her nephew Thomas Hutchinson, The Stow, Hereford, dated 25 June 1851. 1990.1.88.


My dear Thomas

Your Mother, in a letter to Eliz:, hinted at the possibility of your procuring a substitute for your Incumbency so as to allow of your taking Brigham, as a change for yourself & family; should John feel it necessary to rest & seek change for the restoration of his health during the winter. Such change he thinks will be necessary – at any rate he wants

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2 Curates at present - but before he makes more distant enquiry & any permanent arrangements he deputes me to ask you, if it is likely that you could get your duty make arrangements make provision for your own Parish so as to allow you to takinge Brigham from this time; & to continue over the winter? so as to be an advantage to both parties – You would find the house & garden & faithful Mary all in excellent condition, & have the advantage of its summer produce &

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a stock of Potatoes (God willing for the winter – With other matters that now need not be adverted to – at present I only ask if there be a probability of your being at liberty to leave for the time mentioned Grantsfield with comfort to both parties – A more desirable situation for health &c. cannot be – so that as unfortunately John cannot enjoy it, I should like that you & yrs should, knowing that it would be in good & careful

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hands, & those who would be thankful for such a residence tho’ but a temporary one –

As Eliz is in such constant communication with you I need not revert to other subjects - & truly my own nerves are too much shaken to do so. John is doing well were it not for his nervous dejection God bless you all M Wordsworth

Write as soon as possible

state of being: ill health
state of being: depression


The Revd Thos. Hutchinson

The Stow Grantsfield

Hereford Leominster

<Mr B Mr. Barth Mr. Barth>

object-name: letter

Object summary: 1990.1.88

completion-state: completed
author: Wordsworth, Mary (1770-1859)
recipient: Hutchinson, Thomas, Rev (1815-1903)
date: 25.6.1851
Ref. 1990-1-88