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Item details: Topic id equal to person-Hutchinson-Elizabeth-1820-1876

Wordsworth, Mary. - Letter to the Hutchinsons. - Continuation of 1990.1.90 1990.1.91.

I was very sorry to hear of poor Mrs C Rawson’s death

I am sorry dear John is stopped in his progress for for want of books - & I am also vexed that those Agricultural Judges should deal so dishonourably – he is himself too straight forward & honorable a Man to have dealings with them - & I wonder he so clings to the Brotherhood – When his society is so prized in a different class. of society, As you transmit my letters to dear Ebba, who I hope is enjoying herself with George I need not write a separate letter to her, But I will report

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to her what progress is making at Rydal after I get to Brigham – so that she may shape her course at her own convenience which I beg not to interfere with – It would also be uncomfortable to her as well as to myself to interfere with their arrangements before the servants have got thro’ their work, in their own way.

I have good accts. of old Aunty – who keeps in her usual way. I have never been told if the Girls began a transcript of the Greens narrative.

I am still plagued with general Rheumatism – but not being as it is not [[?]] in

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my back or hip joints, I am not disabled from moving about. I had a pleasant drive with Fanny to call upon those good people the Isaac Braithwaites, who have a Country House at Scotby, yesterday. What a nice village that is! does your Brother know it? But we have had so much rain, wind likewise – since we came, that the streets & roads are impossible to walk with any comfort – for the like of me at any rate. I always thought that this was, compared to Rydal, a dry place – but as far as [[?]] is considered – Rydal is worth 10 of it.

state of being: rheumatism

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We are to have a drive to see Mr Carruthers who is enjoying his decline of life on the Banks of the Eden prosecuting his early habit of Painting – He sent us some beautiful & delicious Pears from his own garden the other day. These 2 calls will complete my movements. – I attended the Cathedral Service last Sunday afternoon – was tired by the long Anthem on Thursday Afternoon, & this is all I have ventured upon – except two or 3 [[?]] upon the [Pavement]. It will depend upon the weather what we shall do tomorrow. Willy’s chest keeps better – but cold in the head returns upon him by any change. God bless you all –

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Give my love & good wishes at the Rectory

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Chris’ Sermon ought to be in the hands of every Protestant – I would have sent you my Copy but Fanny has borrowed it to send to her Father They are sold for 3/6 a doz. Published by Francis & John Rivington St Pauls’ Ch Yd.

object-name: letter

Object summary: 1990.1.91

Ref. 1990-1-91