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Item details: Topic id equal to person-Wordsworth-Fanny-Eliza-1820-1888

Wordsworth, Mary. - Letter to the Hutchinsons (?), [Grantsfield]. - Dated 4 December 1854. 1990.1.94.

St Ann’s Hill

4th Dec <1854>

My dearest Friends

Fanny has sent us a very nice letter of thanks, she had recd from Ann Hutchinson who speaks of Her Father being ill, & I should think seriously. Have you heard of it, If the weather is as boisterous with you as it is here, there is no chance of any one

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getting to see him poor Man – or I should desire you to see if they were in any need – I should like as well as it is my duty to make him comfortable – Do try to find out how this could be managed if he wanted comforts of any sort they could not afford to supply themselves with.

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Fanny intends being at home on Sat – she is restless & as anxious to be back, as I understand she was to be off – the thought of the children having had colds makes her want to see they are properly taken care of & so on.

state of being: motherhood

My boys I believe I told you were to go home this way – so we shall all leave Carlisle about

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the middle of the week before Xtmas. This is an awful house in wind. I am haunted by the thought of the 32 Transports wrecked in the Black Sea on the 14th Nov. as stated in the Papers – without there particular reports – Nor have we heard aught from Australia – Or any pleasant tidings save dear friends what you sent us from happy Grantsfield.


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I begin to be very anxious to hear more of poor Mrs Reed – I wonder not to have heard from Mr Coleridge - abt. the time you left me I wrote to her & enclosed Sarah’s copy of Mr Ms letter (I had thought Elizabeth, that she also made separate transcripts which I could not find) so sent the copy of the whole letter

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I wonder she has not written to return or notice it - & [beginning] to fear some loss of my letter & its enclosure. One of Lady C’s to me having never reached me - & you said one of mine had not come to you at G. which was posted at the same time as mine to Thos. I wish E. could write to Mrs C. & enquire if they had heard again from Philadelphia.

[page break (1 crossed writing)]

God bless you all at both places.

object-name: letter

Object summary: 1990.1.94

completion-state: completed
author: Wordsworth, Mary (1770-1859)
recipient: Hutchinson family
date: 4.12.1854
Ref. 1990-1-94