The Wordsworth Trust Collections Search

Item details: Topic id equal to activity-admiring-art

Coleridge, Sara (1802-1852). - Letter, from 10 Chester Place (?), to Edward Quillinan (1791-1851), at 121 Crawford Street, Baker Street, dated 19 February 1840 (year from postmark). WLMS A / Coleridge, Sara / 39.

My dear Mr Quillinan

Can we have the pleasure of seeing you at dinner on Saturday next at six o clock? We expect no one out of our own circle except Dora, and perhaps a law-pupil of Henry's.

Dear Dora comes to us on Friday to stay as long as she can. She did not spend the afternoon with us yesterday, as she partly promised. I wish we could

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obtain cards, or whatever the permit may be, for the Strafford or the Grosvenor Gallery, if Dora has not seen one or both of them. Have you any opportunity in that line? I suppose that the daughter of the Bard has some affection for pictures. Its was he who first put my thoughts into a right direction about them - that direction at least which they have ever since retained. But I must not enter upon my obligations to

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him on note paper - in the busy time of the morning.

activity: visiting
activity: admiring art
activity: admiring art

Henry sends regards and begs you to excuse his not writing himself on account of his engagements. I write numerous notes for him.

We must request a line to say if you can dine with us on Saturday.

Believe me Ever very truly your's

Sara Coleridge. Wednesday morning Feb 19th

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Edward Quillinan Esqre

121. Crawford Street

Baker Street


Object summary: WLMS A / Coleridge, Sara / 39

completion-state: completed
author: Coleridge, Sara (1802-1852)
recipient: Quillinan, Edward (1791-1851)
date: 19.2.1840
Ref. wlms-a-coleridge-sara-39