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Item details: Topic id equal to person-Wordsworth-Fanny-Eliza-1820-1888

Coleridge, Sara (1802-1852). - Letter, from an unstated address, to Mr. Robinson, at Rydal Mount (?), dated c.1847 (from contents). WLMS A / Coleridge, Sara / 44.

My dear Mr Robinson

I have a [question] to ask and a request to make of you, and you are so kind in answering questions - [granting] requests that I do it without fear. Do you think that dear Mr Wordsworth would be pleased, rather than otherwise, by my dedicating to him the new edition of the

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Biographia Literaria? - and if you do think so, will you be kind enough to convey my wish to him & ask, for me, his permission?

You will see why I address this inquiry to you rather than to himself at once.

I hope you find him in fine fettle, and dear Mrs Wordsworth too. and that you are enjoying & [them [?]]

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the beloved lakes & hills.

I suppose that William and his bride are at the Mount.

I hear sweet accounts of her.


Will you excuse a sad scrawl for my head is, and has been for two days, in a miserable state - It is unusual with me to ail aught in the upper story - except foolishness at times - some may think at all times.

Believe me dear Mr Robinson Most truly Your's Sara Coleridge

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Have you seen Mrs Southey the widow's letter about the Howitts in The Times? Miss Hoare thinks it shows bad temper - but I own I feel with her. The Application of the Howitts seems to me a piece of Quaker assurance and want of well bred modesty.

How thankful I am for my poor dear Aunt

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Lovell's recovery! - I have been thinking continually of her - dear thing! Love to Dora and kind regards to Mr Quillinan

state of being: ill health

Object summary: WLMS A / Coleridge, Sara / 44

completion-state: completed
author: Coleridge, Sara (1802-1852)
recipient: Robinson, Mr.
date: 1847
Ref. wlms-a-coleridge-sara-44