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Item details: Topic id equal to object-letters

Coleridge, Sara (1802-1852). - Fragment of a letter, from an unstated address, to an unstated person, at an unstated address, undated. WLMS A / Coleridge, Sara / 82.

5) that he will be fit to go to Cambridge next Autumn, and this is all that I have said about him, that I should like to go beyond yourself.

I am writing to Herbert Hill - I mean just about to write. Mr Jardine tells me of letters of my Uncle to Mr Danvers, in which his political opinions were

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fully expressed. Some persons say that the letters are too exclusively personal & domestic and that the collection does not give the man in those parts of his character with which the public is most concerned. People

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fancy that they would like to know all about Shakespeare's fireside - but I believe most persons of intelligence and activity would be very soon tired of reading his lenders letters if they were purely domestic & every dayish & did not illustrate or treat of interesting abstract subjects

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I for my part am most deeply interested but that is because it brings my youth and the whole circle of persons and things that surrounded me in childhood & girlhood vividly before me. I hear it spoken well of in the main, but Mrs Stanger tells me it has been decried in the [Atheneum] and Mr Jardine says it is less talked of than - he should have expected.

I will write again when the

object: biography
object: letters

Object summary: WLMS A / Coleridge, Sara / 82

completion-state: completed
author: Coleridge, Sara (1802-1852)
recipient: (?)
Ref. wlms-a-coleridge-sara-82