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Item details: Topic id equal to object-Phantasmagoria

Jewsbury, Maria Jane (1800-1833). - Letter, from 13 Brook Street, Chorlton Row, Manchester, to William Wordsworth (1770-1850), at an unstated address, dated 1825. WLMS A / Jewsbury, Maria Jane / 1. <1825>

13 Brook Street, Chorlton Row



With the most genuine sentiments of respectful admiration, I venture to present to you the accompanying little Volume; and to hope, that my having dedicated it to you without your permission, will not be deemed an unpardonable liberty. It is the honest expression of youthful enthusiasm, and my only regret, is, that the offering should be so very unworthy of him, to whom it is offered; but, had I waited to convey this testimony in some future, and consequently less imperfect production, I could not have dedicated my first efforts, to the Author, whose works I regard as having occasioned whatever merit those efforts may be found to possess.

It is about three years since I

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took up your poems, as a study; and since then, they have been more or less my daily companions, ever able to afford me deep though tranquil delight. My poetical dedication is not hyperbolical; it is simply, literally true.

There is poetry, which it requires an effort to remember; there is and poetry which it would require even a greater to forget;- there are verses which fall upon the ear like dim distant music, imparting momentary pleasure, but leaving no after impression; - and there are others, which sinking instantaneously into the heart and memory, become united for ever with all those precious thoughts, "that cannot die." May I without appearing impertinent, specify Glen Almain, She was a Phantom, Ruth, September, The solitary reaper, Tintern Abbey, The Fountain The Highland Girl, and Laodamia, as a few of the very many of your poems which thus affect me.

object: Phantasmagoria

No one is better aware, and no-one regrets more deeply than myself, the many deficiencies

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and faults of my own productions; never the less I look forward with confident hope, that time, and study, and devoted determination to improve, will effect much for me; and proud shall I be, if in some distant day I may be enabled, and permitted to inscribe to you, some production which shall afford less equivocal proof of my being a pupil of so illustrious a master.

Though I now present but one, - "Recreations of Literature" will eventually, consist of two volumes; but as I am on the eve of leaving home, and as owing to the second volume not being yet printed, there is some uncertainty as to how soon the work can be published, I felt anxious to place a portion in your hands, without delay. In order therefore to gratify my wishes, my friend Mr Alaric Watts (under whose auspices, and through whose kindness I am enabled to publish) has had this single copy expressly prepared. The remaining volume shall follow when finished.

I much regret the error

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which deforms the title page, but the proof did not pass through my hands or I should have perceived it. It will however be rectified in all the future copies, and I trust to your kindness for the pardon of this apparently disrespectful carelessness.

object: Phantasmagoria

Again I beg to offer the sincere expression of my devoted admiration, and to subscribe myself with the deepest respect Sir Your most obedient And most truly obliged Servant Maria Jane Jewsbury

Should you confer so great an honor on me (and there are few I should estimate so highly) as to acknowledge the receipt of this little packet I take the liberty to annex what will in a few days be my address. Miss Jewsbury John Cookson's Esqre Lancaster.

object-name: letter

Object summary: WLMS A / Jewsbury, Maria Jane / 1

completion-state: completed
author: Jewsbury, Maria Jane (1800-1833)
recipient: Wordsworth, William (1770-1850)
date: 1825
Ref. wlms-a-jewsbury-maria-jane-1