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Item details: Topic id equal to object-Phantasmagoria

Jewsbury, Maria Jane (1800-1833). - Letter, from an unstated address, to William Wordsworth (1770-1850), at an unstated address, dated 23 July 1825. WLMS A / Jewsbury, Maria Jane / 2.

July 23rd - 1825 -


When I determined to inscribe my little work to yourself, I was under the influence of an enthusiasm which prevented my considering whether the offering were worthy of your acceptance. The idea of presenting a public tribute to him, whom I had so long reverenced in secret, was my solace under many labors and vexations; not, until I had been admitted to the honor of your acquaintance, did I discover, or even suspect, the boldness of the step I had taken. Nevertheless, you repaid my worthless gift with a kindness which I am equally unable to acknowledge and to forget.

Were I now to follow the dictates of my inclination, I should with-hold my second volume, because I am no longer ignorant that a tribute should bear some

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proportion to the dignity of him to whom it is presented - but I dread even the appearance of affectation, and therefore venture to enclose a complete copy of my work.

I am constrained to make a few remarks on the second volume. It contains I am sorry to admit, very much, that is not only quite beneath your notice, but of which I am myself heartily ashamed; - many almost juvenile productions, which were only admitted in despair, when my time became too limited, and my health too seriously injured, to allow me to furnish better. There are a few other papers, the insertion of which I deeply regret, on higher grounds, than mere regard for my literary credit; I regret it the more, because the unlooked for delay in the publication would have enabled me to furnish others in their place.

For many reasons I prefer presenting this volume to you in person; - you, are spared the perplexing task of making acknowledgements - and I am spared the pain of receiving criticism, which however I might value, I could no longer profit by.

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I have heard an anecdote of a young French painter which at this instant strikes me very forcibly. "You will gain the prize for this," said his master taking up the picture which the youth had just finished - "Yes" - replied the enthusiast, at the same instant cutting the picture to pieces - "yes - but next year I shall deserve it!" How gladly, - did circumstances warrant my doing so - how gladly would I imitate the young painter. My work may meet with success - how much rather would I wait, till I could claim it as my due. Some might call this the language of insincerity- but you, I am persuaded know me better - you, will believe me sincere.

object: Phantasmagoria

And now Sir that I have intruded upon you only too long, suffer me to thank you from my heart for all your kindnesses. I was proud and happy, when I only knew & appreciated you as a poet - what then are my feelings, now, that I am emboldened to look up to you as a friend!

I have the honor to be Sir, with affectionate respect, and devoted admiration, your obliged, M.J.J.

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PS. July 27th. When I wrote the foregoing letter it was under the impression that I should present my books to you at K. Bank; - I am unfortunately disappointed, in this part of my plan, regrets are however unavailing. The recollection of the conversations you have condescended to hold with me during the past week, make me more dissatisfied than ever with this Volume; particularly with the opening Critical essay - It was nearly one of my first productions; - I am ashamed & angry with myself - indeed one passage of injudicious commendation of poems respecting which you have changed my opinion - I have cut out - could I have cancelled one half the Essay I would have done so; - I venture to hope that the keen

[page break (4 crossed writing)]

sense I myself entertain of my own manifold deficiencies, - & errors will recommend me to your benevolence, & shield me from severe criticism. Lancaster.

object: Phantasmagoria

William Wordsworth Esqre

<1825 Miss Jewsbury>

object-name: letter

Object summary: WLMS A / Jewsbury, Maria Jane / 2

completion-state: completed
author: Jewsbury, Maria Jane (1800-1833)
recipient: Wordsworth, William (1770-1850)
date: 23.7.1825
Ref. wlms-a-jewsbury-maria-jane-2