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Item details: Topic id equal to state-of-being-face-ache

Jewsbury, Maria Jane (1800-1833). - Letter, from 42 Grosvenor St., Oxford Road, to Dora Wordsworth (1804-1847), at an unstated address, dated Spring 1827. WLMS A / Jewsbury, Maria Jane / 10.


<Spring 1827>

My dearest Dora

I deserve no needle book, nor thread case either, still less do I deserve them in the classic guise of harp and minstrel! I do not excuse my procrastination - I only own it, & request your forgiveness. The date will shew you that I have made a long journey, which implies fatigue, which induces laziness, which involves indisposedness for exertion. I cannot however suffer dear Mrs. Barlow to depart without bearing with her my kindest love, & most affectionate thanks for your recent

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packet. My father is so [diligent] that he will procure the glass coverings himself, & beautifully will they ornament the chimney piece of my new, & pretty writing room. My dear father has indeed spared no expense to fit up the house - so as to contribute to my comfort & pleasure. I hear you meditate a visit to Scarborough in the Summer - could not you return home this way, & see me, & my museum? - I can say with truth [[-?-?-?-?-?-]] that the sight of you would give me more pleasure than the sight of almost any one else would. -

We made our journey in one of the Leamington Barouche Cars - three days on the road - & enjoyed our journey very much.

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I bore it wonderfully well; the transition, & the unavoidable excitation of feeling on coming home has certainly somewhat pulled me back, aided by that tiresome guest pain in my face. These however are mere temporaries, & I do rejoice, & desire to be very thankful that such a measure of restoration has been afforded me. If I can only keep well enough to fulfil my home duties, I will gladly [compound] for the diminution of strength which cuts off many pleasures. Do you know - for once, & the first time I love the country for its own simple sake - ! & the last nine weeks of perfect seclusion in green & sunny Milverton have produced new & previously unknown feelings of delight. I lived out of doors - & I question whether the birds enjoyed the budding trees more than I did. However, mercifully happiness is not a thing of places - & I shall

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shortly be just as happy looking out upon a prospect of dull houses, & lines of clothes as I was in my old paradise. On turning this page I have discovered with somewhat of consternation that I have taken an engaged sheet of paper - will you pardon the blunder? - I do not feel well enough to take a fresh one. I will write you at Scarborough when I know your address. My dearest ever dear Dora - your last gave me the purest pleasure -

[MJJ had started a letter to her sister Geraldine on the same sheet so crossed out] Manchester May 25th My dearest Geraldine Do you see I am at last fairly arrived

state of being: ill health
state of being: face ache

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I cannot however write on the subject as I could wish, - namely - with great brevity - & equal clearness. After more than a th 12 months absence from a place of worship I do feel to want fetching to life - in a spiritual sense I mean. Let us only my dear Dora, under all circumstances, all discouragements, all temptations, keep fast hold of the Word of Life, - the only anchor which is sure & steadfast God bless you my love. I do unfeignedly rejoice in your amendment May it continue to increase -, You will excuse a very poor letter - You will understand how coming home should at first sadden my spirits & render even this letter an effort. -

concept: religion

[page break (5 crossed writing)]

My kindest love to your circle Ever yours M.J.J.

42 Grosvenor St - Oxford Road

Miss Thorp begged to be remembered to your Aunt -

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Since closing this I have heard of your early departure for Harrogate - When I know your address - will write again. MJJ

Miss Dora Wordsworth

Obliged by Mrs Barlow

object-name: letter

Object summary: WLMS A / Jewsbury, Maria Jane / 10

completion-state: completed
author: Jewsbury, Maria Jane (1800-1833)
recipient: Wordsworth, Dora (1804-1847)
date: 3.1827
Ref. wlms-a-jewsbury-maria-jane-10