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Item details: Topic id equal to person-Wordsworth-Fanny-Eliza-1820-1888

Wordsworth, Mary (1770-1859). - Letter, from Rydal Mount, to Christopher Wordsworth (1807-1885), at an unstated address, dated 20 October 1851. WLL / Wordsworth, Mary / 3 / 226

Rydal Mount

Oct. 20th 1851

My dear Chrisr

I have to thank you for the cheque for a £100 which I recd yesterday, one third part of which, when the Miss Quillinans (who are now I believe in London, on their way to Bath) return home - which will be in a fortnight- according to the arrangement in favor of their dear Father.

William has just left me - he came yesterday

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on the melancholy mission of bringing the Remains of their Infant Boy, & seeing them laid in that precious Corner of Grasmere Church yd. by the graves graves of - his own little Brother & Sister. The poor Babe at its birth was a fine promising Child - but after between 2 or 3 weeks, it began to pine & shew symptoms of great suffering - which continued till the Almighty mercifully took him to himself

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last Sunday. The malady was in the Head - Water on the Brain.

Of course this sad event has been, & for some time must continue to be an affliction to his Parents, & has told upon the dear Mother's health. But I trust the change she intends to make next week by going to Brighton, as she had previously intended, to pass a few weeks with her Father, will restore both health & spirits. She will

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I trust, also meet good Mrs & Miss Hoare at Brighton who are dear Comforters in affliction.

I had a kind letter from Catharine W. yesterday, together with Charles' Kidderminster Sermon - which was very gratifying to me I have not yet been able to read it - or rather have it read. Mr Carter kindly went to Carlisle to relieve Wm. upon hearing of the death of the Child - it being the end of the Quarter when the Office duty is very heavy.

state of being: death
state of being: mourning

We may all be thankful

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that your dear Children have been so favourable carried thro' the Measles - God bless them all, & dearest Susan!

Your Aunt Dorothy continues in her usual way, She joins me in love, & believe me my dear C. to remain your very affect Aunt M. Wordsworth

Thank you for your information upon Irish prospects which are sad indeed.

I have not seen, or even before heard of the American Editor of the Memoir.

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I do not know if Mr Graves has yet returned to Bowness Mrs G. & he have been passing some Months in Germany where his health had been greatly improved - but the last report I heard of him was from the Misses Watson (who by the bye often enquire after you) was "that as he approached home, he had not felt himself so well."

object-name: letter

Object summary: WLL / Wordsworth, Mary / 3 / 226

completion-state: completed
author: Wordsworth, Mary (1770-1859)
recipient: Wordsworth, Christopher (1807-1885)
date: 10.10.1851
Ref. wll-wordsworth-mary-3.226