The Wordsworth Trust Collections Search

Topic details: Topic id equal to object-biography


person: Coleridge, Hartley (1796-1849)

Coleridge, Sara (1802-1852). - Letter, from 10 Chester Place (?), to Edward Quillinan (1791-1851) (from contents), at an unstated address, dated c.1850 (from contents). WLMS A / Coleridge, Sara / 55. WLMS A / Coleridge, Sara / 56 is the third sheet of this letter and so included here.

person: Coleridge, Henry Nelson (1798-1843)

Coleridge, Sara (1802-1852). - Letter, from 10 Chester Place (?), to Edward Quillinan (1791-1851) (from contents), at an unstated address, dated c.1850 (from contents). WLMS A / Coleridge, Sara / 55. WLMS A / Coleridge, Sara / 56 is the third sheet of this letter and so included here.

person: Coleridge, Samuel Taylor (1772-1834)

Coleridge, Sara (1802-1852). - Letter, from 10 Chester Place, to Edward Quillinan (1791-1851), at an unstated address, dated 27 March 1850. WLMS A / Coleridge, Sara / 51.

person: Coleridge, Sara (1802-1852)

Coleridge, Sara (1802-1852). - Letter, from 10 Chester Place (?), to Edward Quillinan (1791-1851) (from contents), at an unstated address, dated c.1850 (from contents). WLMS A / Coleridge, Sara / 55. WLMS A / Coleridge, Sara / 56 is the third sheet of this letter and so included here.

person: Southey, Robert (1774-1843)

Coleridge, Sara (1802-1852). - Fragment of a letter, from an unstated address, to an unstated person, at an unstated address, undated. WLMS A / Coleridge, Sara / 82.

person: Wordsworth, William (1770-1850)

Wordsworth, Mary (1770-1859). - Letter, from an unstated address, to Christopher Wordsworth Jnr, at an unstated address, dated 17 May 1850. WLL / Wordsworth, Mary / 3 / 204.

Wordsworth, Mary (1770-1859). - Letter, from an unstated address, to Christopher Wordsworth Jnr, at Cloisters, London, dated 1 September 1850. WLL / Wordsworth, Mary / 3 / 211. Mary Wordsworth to the same, no date, being the originals corresponding to the copies in the enclosure with M.W.'s letter of October 30, 1850, and bearing a note in the hand of W.W. Jnr; with envelope; Includes a note in the hand of M.W., listing some prose works of the poet, inscribed on verso 'From All (e?)n'.

Coleridge, Sara (1802-1852). - Letter, from 10 Chester Place, to Edward Quillinan (1791-1851), at an unstated address, dated 27 March 1850. WLMS A / Coleridge, Sara / 51.

Topic details: Topic id equal to object-biography