The Wordsworth Trust Collections Search

Topic details: Topic id equal to place-Miss-Dowlings-School

Miss Dowling's School

person: Crumpe, Sophia; person: Stanger, Mary (1804-1890)

Coleridge, Sara (1802-1852). - Letter, from Greta Hall, to Elizabeth Crumpe, at Allan Bank, dated 27 February 1819. WLMS A / Coleridge, Sara / 2

Wordsworth, Dora (1804-1847). - Letter, from Rydal Mount, to Elizabeth Crumpe, at Queen Anne Street, Liverpool, dated 27 December 1824. WLL / Wordsworth, Dora / 1 / 6

person: Wordsworth, Dora (1804-1847); activity: going to school

Wordsworth, Dora (1804-1847). - Letter, from an unstated address, to Sara Hutchinson (1775-1835), at Hindwell, Radnor, dated 1818. WLL / Wordsworth, Dora / 1 / 1

Hutchinson, Sara (1775-1835). - Letter, from Rydal Mount, to Joanna Hutchinson (1780-1843), at Hindwell, Radnor, dated 7 August [1820]. WLL / Wordsworth, Mary / 1 / 30.

Topic details: Topic id equal to place-Miss-Dowlings-School