A project with Grasmere History Group and Grasmere WI
In his poem ‘Michael’, Wordsworth draws our attention to ‘a straggling heap of unhewn stones’ beside the brook of Greenhead Ghyll. It is an ordinary sight, but one to which a story of an old shepherd and his son belongs. Often such ordinary, every day things and sights have meanings for us personally. In another poem, Wordsworth tells us there is ‘A tale in every thing’.
In May 2020, Grasmere residents nominated every day things which to them had come to have special significance in the lockdown period. These things and the stories attached to them are presented here as a virtual exhibition. Please click on an image below to discover the tale behind the picture.
We welcome more exhibits – please send a picture of a ‘thing’ that has gained a new meaning for you during the lockdown period, and add a few words saying why. Please send to enquiries@wordsworth.org.uk.