Bargain Booze

Gwyn 1Until we moved in 1995, we had our precious newspapers delivered. When we arrived in Bowness, low and behold, no one did deliveries. A disappointment but, with my positive attitude, I thought a good walk every day would do me good. Duly I walked every weekday and Allan every weekend to get our papers.

In 2016 we moved again and our walk was cut from 3 miles to 1.5 miles for a round trip.

Lockdown……oh no! About 1 week into this a friend said she had sourced newspaper deliveries. Yippee! One phone call only and success. The First morning we were contacted by neighbours. “where do the papers come from”?  We now have a mass delivery. Not only that but our supplier is BARGAIN BOOZE and yes they will deliver the booze as well……sod milk….get your priorities right! They probably deliver milk as well but!!!!!!

Our relatives in the cities are envious of where we live and can’t understand our elation. They take all this for granted.

We hope this will continue after Covid 19 and we will have another plan in place for our real dotage.

Little things please little minds they say.


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