Zoom Grasmere WI

When lockdown was announced we thought that was the end of Grasmere W.I. meetings for the foreseeable future – but that was before our President Sue Dixon heard about Zoom!

Within days we had a Zoom committee meeting and it was decided that April’s meeting at Wordsworth Trust, which was to feature a presentation by the curator Jeff Cowton, should go ahead as planned but with a difference – W.I. members would Zoom into Wordsworth Trust.

The only problem was that, like everyone else at this early stage of lockdown, we knew very little about Zoom. Without much thought, I said I would contact all the W.I. members and get them onto Zoom. 10 days later after Zoom training overload I was Zoomed out but we were all ready for our April meeting. An incredible 27 Zoomed into the meeting which was a huge success – an excellent PowerPoint presentation by Jeff Cowton and a chat with tea and biscuits afterwards. It was as if we had all met up in each other’s homes. The least said the better about our Zoom rendition of Jerusalem although it did make for a very entertaining few minutes. We are good singers (really!) but Zoom is unable to synchronise group singing.

This trailblazing start to our Zooming was covered by the Westmorland Gazette and Cumbria Radio and was also profiled by the WI National Federation Group. We were media stars!

We have never stopped Zooming since. Our monthly meetings continue, we have “Cheerful Chats” every Thursday and Zoom committee meetings. We’ve dressed up in Easter bonnets and in fancy dress for VE Day. We discuss our weekly photograph theme for our new WhatsApp group and books, films and nature notes from our gardens and walks.

So it’s business as usual PLUS at Grasmere W.I. We are now meeting up more than ever before and there’s lots of fun, laughter, connectivity and fantastic community spirit in these strange times. And unbelievably our membership continues to grow. Just in the last month of lockdown, we have had 8 new members join! How amazing is that?!!!


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