Waste not want not!
In the 21st century it has become so easy to take things for granted and be extravagant without realising it. However since the occurrence of the corovirus and limitations on trips to the supermarket, I’ve begun to take a different view.
I began to realise ,for instance, how much better it would be to have milk delivered- most of my plastic waste is plastic milk bottles from the supermarket!
Fortunately the local milkman was able to accommodate my request and of course that could include such goodies as eggs, yoghurt and butter!
It wasn’t long before I became aware of other extravagances. Did I really use that much kitchen towel? And of course the toothpaste tube is never empty until it’s been cut open- so many other plastic containers now get the same treatment.
Although I enjoyed having a daily paper( mainly because I enjoy the challenge of the crossword) I made another decision. The Saturday paper would have to suffice – after all it would take me a week to do the giant crossword! Added to which there is so much news now available via the internet.
Thus I decided that from a safety point of view ( ie lessening the possibility of infection) I would shop once a week very early on a Saturday morning at the local Co-op for supplies.
It’s amazing that with the restrictions of trips out( at least for the first eight weeks of lockdown) these weekly trips to the Co-op have become quite a highlight. So much so I even try to be a little smarter and wear “best” shoes and put make-up on!
Living here in Grasmere we are so very lucky- not only are we able to walk freely in the countryside without seeing anyone for miles, we also have an amazingly supportive community where so many people are working extremely hard to ensure the safety and well- being of others. I feel blessed.
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