Two years ago I obtained a bicycle. This machine was going to keep me fit in my ageing life. My wonderful Husband helped by sprucing it to a polished, oiled beauty. The unfortunate obstacle was my mind. “Am I brave enough to tackle this”?
So my excuse was, if I was to use this machine to pop to the shops, it needs a basket fitted!
Anyway, the years have passed, 2020 March arrrived with this horrid virus. Exercise was defiantly more on the agenda. So I got on and, using our drive, found out that I had not forgotten the childhood skill. So Hubby attached a basket and I now cycle everywhere around our village.
Of course will I still use it when the traffic returns is another thought. Meanwhile, I, with gloves and mask, am pleased to be say this form of exercise is positive for me!
Hopefully when we can contact family I can cycle, somewhere safe, with my Grandchildren!