A View from a Kitchen Window

Mono stitches


Reeds swaying in the breeze catching rainbows.

The stardust trail encircles the moon.

The new green in spring, dressing the trees in their summer attire.

Daffodils leaning and swaying to the music of the breeze.

The snail leaves it silvery trail on its epic journey.

Tall grasses camouflage the watchful eye of the tiger.

Bluebells rising watching over the dark mossy wood.

Furrows of strong straight lines waiting for the seeds of life.

The colours kiss the breeze on its lofty flagpole.

Sorrow sweeps over me like a deafening cloud.

Mountains rising suspended in mist over silent water.

Water trickles through mossy grass leaching out their rich nutrients.

Plumped up cushions welcoming me in to their enveloping warmth.

Sniffing the air, aromas rising enveloping my senses.


By Ellie Stone


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