Zoom Pilates

Literally over night I went from having 10 busy community based Pilates classes to absolutely none!

I felt quite anxious and it all felt quite surreal. What was I going to do?

I jumped on what everyone else was jumping on in the health and fitness world and that was an online platform called Zoom! It’s been the bane of my life ever since! (only joking!)

It was a steep learning curve and anxiety levels were pretty high for a while. I was learning how to use the technology, trying to deliver a good quality Pilates class and trying to answer other peoples’ technology questions. Everybody else was new to Zoom and I really didn’t know if it was all going to be successful or continue to be an absolute nightmare!

I will always have a significant memory and appreciation of Zoom, because now I think it has saved and changed my life! I have three busy online classes and it’s all going well! In fact I think I will continue to offer online classes through Zoom once lockdown is over! It’s kept all my current clients connected and I’m sure it has benefited not only mine but everyone’s physical and mental health in this crazy moment in time.


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