A short way up the Easedale Valley from where we live ls a lovely green meadow approached via an iron gate which clangs loudly when closed . Whenever I hear that sound it reminds me I am about to come into that special meadow with its glorious views of the fells, Sourmilk Ghyll still showing a white gash of water in spite of the drought, the sheep and gambolling lambs.
For me it has been the peace and quiet of Grasmere and surrounds which has been a special feature of Lockdown along with the help and kindness of friends and neighbours.
To be able to witness the arrival of such a sun drenched Spring as we have had, the brilliant colours of the gardens, the shooting out of the young leaves on the trees would not have been possible for me with my useless legs. Just before Lockdown came into effect my wife, Melissa, bought me an electric scooter which has enabled me to get about in the village and take me to the meadow through the clanging gate.
So for me a special memory of the Lockdown is the Clang of the Gate and the use of the buggy.
Laurence and Melissa