An Unexpected Kind Gift


How did it happen

That it came upon us?

Were we asleep

Before all this fuss?

Everything cancelled,

Diaries blacked-out,

Concerts and meetings

Holidays – there’s now’t.

Families together

E’en the Palace is banned,

Old films on the telly

The weather is grand.

Each day we go walking

Or rather I do,

For L has a scooter

So I run along too.

Everyone’s thoughtful

Need anything? Alright?

Kindness and friendship

New people smile bright.

They’re usually working

Or don’t venture out.

We stand in a circle

No need to shout.

But will we remember

When all this is past

Goodwill, laughs and helping

When again we move fast.

We may just recall it

And think back and smile,

That when we were locked down

We were kinder awhile.


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