War Medals

The Darkest Hour

We stood on the shore, tears rolling

My daughter and me.

Her message,

Mum, we have to cancel your birthday celebration,

Our holiday together,

We have to cancel Mother’s Day.

Boats on D-Day, landing on distant shores,

Brave souls gave their lives for us.

But this enemy takes no prisoners.

No visible foe to fight.

Old soldiers talk of comrades lost,

Never again battles,

Peace on earth,

Celebrations enjoyed.

What courage from 75 years ago to inspire us today.

When will we see our Covid Victory Day?

Covert or half-hearted tea party? We survived?

A quiet, longed for hug from dear ones

the True prize.

Love, valued and cherished,

what else truly exists when all’s said and done?

Will it be the end of this Thing forever?

What will be the Next Step?

Tracking the source of a pandemic?

Producing a non-profit, no side effects, vaccine?

Where does the enemy really lurk?

Essential to know in the fight against loss of life,

Loss of freedom, loss of family and community.

Loss of jobs and loss of dignity.

What have we gained to compensate?

Inner resilience, example from old soldiers, survivors all.

Nobility of Man and Woman on the front line.

Family photos appear in my Inbox.

My Uniformed handsome father and my beautiful mother,

Royal Navy mariners, both.

Pride and gratitude for their sacrifice.

For all those sacrifices

Of dear brave souls who never came home.

May they be forever blessed

In the Valhalla halls of the brave.

The heavenly abode of God’s peace.

But what of this invisible Enemy?

Will it really go away without a fight?

Who are the victors?

Who has made the profits?

Questions reverberating around the internet

Cannot be dismissed as mere ‘conspiracy theories.’

That’s no truthful answer to reasonable questions.

They cloak the called for transparency in smoke screens,

Telling us it’s not what you think.

But if it’s true, then the Enemy lurks in bio-labs

In China, USA, UK, Sweden, Switzerland

To name but a few.

It lurks,

waiting for an accident,

To return.

Our only hope,


Nobility of character,

The Triumph of courage over crazed leaders.

Belief in a Higher Good.

The Life force of an Intelligent, self-regulating Natural world,

The Light of a caring love

That will Triumph over the Darkness

And save the planet

And us.

Let us reflect on this,

Truth Alone Triumphs.

By Polly Greathead,

Grasmere, May 2020

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