I’m almost ashamed to admit it but life under ‘lockdown’ has actually been a pleasure mainly because during this time I’ve put myself under the ‘therapy’ of raising vegetables from seed in my greenhouse. Fortunately I had ordered the seed long before lockdown as growing vegetables was something I had planned to do this Spring anyway. So I have not been affected by the shortage of seeds that has occurred when demand suddenly rocketed and exceeded supply.
I had never grown vegetables before and it has been astonishingly satisfying to see the seeds germinate and then watch them grow. We have been so lucky with glorious sunshine since the lockdown began so it must have helped to give me some ‘beginner’s luck.’ Already, as I write this on 7th April, we are harvesting pea shoots, lettuce and chard leaves for salads and the first tomatoes are forming on two of the plants with many others in flower ready to set their fruit. There is a bonus for my wife too! Growing vegetables is time consuming so with me being in my greenhouse it gives her the house to herself for a while! It’s a win/win!
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