Haircut Sir? If only.
When Coronavirus really took hold and increasingly tough lockdown measures were announced by the Government, little did we know how our lives would be impacted or changed.
It became quickly evident that the impact would be unprecedented. Restaurants, bars and cafes closed overnight and, almost 3 months on since lockdown in March, are still to reopen. Dentists, opticians and physiotherapists closed. Car dealers and service garages shut. All non essential shops closed. Gyms, swimming pools, sports centres, playgrounds shut. Theatres, music halls, venues and cinemas all closed their doors. And so the list goes on and on and on.
Many of these closed down facilities remain firmly closed. It is highly likely that some may never reopen. And for those that do, the experience for customers and business owners will never be quite the same again. There will be a “new normal” – whatever that may be – with new procedures, social distancing and other hygiene precautions.
But people pull together, support each other where they can, learn to cope, find new ways (and sometimes better ways) of doing things. That has been a good thing from this pandemic.
However, one thing that is getting higher up my “lockdown to do” list is a haircut. Hairdressers obviously also fell victim to the closure rules and still await government advices as to when they can reopen and how. I haven’t much hair, but somewhat paradoxically I have learnt that those of us with less hair need a haircut arguably more than those with plenty. I am on the way to becoming either a mad professor or the BBC arts correspondent Will Gompertz. Neither of which is particularly attractive. This pandemic has a lot to answer for.